Tax resistance

June 2023. (Updated Nov 2023)

As a protest against increasingly authoritarian, immoral and unscientific Government policies and programmes I have decided not to pay certain taxes (e.g. income tax / PRSI) - or to pay only a portion of my nominal liability - in the short- to medium-term.

Such polices and programmes (by Government) include the following. (Click on a topic for more information.)

weaponization of public health

Covid-19 and the weaponization of public health

anti-human environmental policies

Anti-human environmental policies and planning regulations

contempt for their own native people

Contempt for their native people in need

misuse of national broadcaster
abuse within the mental health system

Abuse within the mental health system and psychiatry

threat to Irish neutrality

The threat to neutrality and prospect of joining NATO

It's hard to know how serious this threat is - as I have heard conflicting reports. Some sources suggest that we are moving 'closer to NATO'; others insist that Ireland's neutrality is not at risk.

Historically the use of tax money for war has been one of the main justifications for resisting tax (e.g., in the US). If Ireland gives up its neutrality and joins the business of bombing innocent civilians the justification for resisting tax becomes even stronger.

In considering this state of affairs, one has to conclude that our political leaders are intent on destroying the Irish nation, and decimating the prospects of current and future generations. Naturally, on coming to such a conclusion, it doesn't make sense to continue supporting these policies via the payment of taxes.

In this video, Chris Coverdale from the UK explains that we have a moral obligation to question how our tax money is spent, and - if we determine that its use is unethical - an obligation to stop paying.

Chris Coverdale on tax resistance (Click for video)

Why would I announce this to a prospective client?

I am sharing this information partly in case it affects accounting procedures at a client's end. Maybe it will; maybe it won't. I am choosing to be upfront in case it does.

It is also possible that my bank account could be frozen. In light of this possibility, I might start inviting people to pay me either in cash or a privacy coin such as Monero in due course.

Lastly, it is possibile that I will end up in prison for my stance on this issue. If that happens, obviously I would be unable to continue working on projects.

I am disclosing this because I am not really interested in tax evasion (i.e. 'hiding' from the tax man). I am primarily interested in tax refusal - i.e. in defying the 'tax man'.

Talk is not enough

I think there is merit in stimulating debate on this issue - and make no apology for doing so.

At the same time, talk and debate are not enough by themselves. We need to wholeheartedly withdraw our support from a system which - from my perspective - is completely and utterly toxic. And tax refusal is an obvious option for doing that.

Do I really intend to pay no income at all?

Not at present, no (although my stance may change). I intend to pay a certain amount - e.g., a third, or a quarter - of my nominal income tax liability.

I do believe in helping and supporting people genuinely in need - even though I think the welfare system is hardly the best we can do in that regard. Then there is also the question of 'Who would build the roads and bridges?' without a central tax-collecting body. In the light of this and similar ambiguities, I don't necessarily object to limited forms of mild taxation (although I reserve the right to revise my stance on this over time).

On the other hand, there is little ambiguity regarding many of the policies and activities upon which our Government is spending inordinate sums of money at present. They are deeply immoral, and dangerous.